In this time, the Church is - like you - adapting.
We have made changes to the way that we worship, gather, learn, and serve. This is to do our part and demonstrate our love of neighbor and the most vulnerable in this time.
If you are already a part of Hiram Christian Church, you know this. If you are exploring communities of faith to engage with, know that the substance that is on this site remains ever true and the style is changing.
We are finding goodness in online sanctuaries and community, and warmly invite you to join in. A great deal of our communication and our ministry is taking place via email. You are encouraged to share your email address with the Church to remain informed (button below). You can also call 330.569.7697 to connect and sign up for the newsletter.
As we are in the beginning of this season, there will no doubt be trials that succeed and trials that fail while we are learning how best to honor the ties that bind us together in such a time as this. And, we trust that as Christ has been present in seasons of disorder and re-order before, so too will Christ meet us all now.
Let us continue to be Christ’s Church together.
God’s Grace and Peace be with you.
Rev. Chris McCreight