Worship Services

Sunday Morning


Our Sunday Morning service is held weekly at 11:00am. The service is an opportunity to gather in community to sing, pray, partake of communion, and engage scripture. This service always welcomes the gifts of music and the wisdom of children and young adults. We seek to listen to how scripture may offer a blessing to the individual and community. This service is streamed online for visitors and for friends who are traveling or wish to participate from home.

Children’s Church is available for children and young adults who may wish to participate. It takes place downstairs with our teaching staff and volunteers following communion.

Thursday Contemplative


Our Contemplative service is a weekly service to practice prayer, contemplation, or simply to find your breath once again. This service is held on Thursdays @ 5:30pm and includes a brief psalm, taize verse, followed by ten minutes of stillness for you to use as you see fit. Our tradition has understood just how valuable a short time can be. This is for anyone who is seeking a time and place to listen to God and listen to the soul.


A few helpful details:

An open table, diversity of belief/doubt, and it is all gift.


(Everybody welcome)

As part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), we gather at the communion table weekly. This is an open table in that it is open to anybody and everybody - it is open to you and your’s. Whether you believe or not. Whether you have been baptized or not. Whether you are a member or not. This is about your communion with God, which is affirmed in your seat at the Lord’s Table. You are welcome to partake of communion. You are welcome to abstain. There is no judgment, only respect and love.


(helpful, but not required)

This church does not have a particular doctrine that everyone or anyone must follow. The Disciples are a non-creedal church (“no creed but Christ”), which means that each person is encouraged to seek, think, believe, doubt, and discern the theology and convictions that they will hold. There is a great freedom entrusted to each of us. The hope is that such freedom is used and then offered to everyone else in the community. We gather with this difference and diversity of conviction with a commitment to each other. Whether you are conservative or liberal, fundamentalist or agnostic, liberation theologian or process theologian, on and on, you are welcome and the community (and our God) are great enough to welcome it all. There is more that unites us than divides us.


(It is all gift)

Every Sunday in worship, we extend an invitation to stewardship. This is to receive a collection of financial gifts that supports the church in its ministry - sustaining the costs of facility maintenance, events and gatherings, and staff. This is also a practice in generosity that is a part of discipleship. Any and every gift are welcome. No financial gift is ever necessary. Every worship service and the ministry of the church are always free gifts. Please never let a transactional idea become an obstacle to your participation in the life of the church.

More Questions?

Contact Rev. Chris McCreight if you would like to learn more about the worship services that the church holds.

The goal of worship is to unite the soul with God ~ Meister Eckhart